
The django-signalcontrol package is available on Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed via pip with the following command:

pip install django-signalcontrol

Adding django-signalcontrol to your django project

To use django-signalcontrol in your project, add ‘signalcontrol’ to INSTALLED_APPS in your file and run migrate signalcontrol to create the required database structure.


Enabling signal control on a model signal

SignalControl can be added to a model signal via a provided decorator. In the file, import the signalcontrol decorator and add the signal_control decorator to the line directly above the signal definition. Example:

from signalcontrol.decorators import signal_control

@receiver(post_save, sender=MyCoolModel)
def msg_after_my_model_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    """ some signal """
    print('you just saved an instance of MyCoolModel')